Science Dinosaurs information from the toy collectible directory


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Dinosaurs - Toy and Game Directory

Location: Main > Science > Dinosaurs

 Dinamos -- Dinosaurs for all ages. Embroidered by Dinamos on caps, shirts and more, bring dinosaurs to life.
 Dino Hunt -- A card game about hunting dinosaurs
 Dino Works -- Three dimensional dinosaur skeleton models.
 Dinosaur Dirt Farm -- Bright sculptures of dinosaurs.
 Dinosaur Fan Club -- Books, models, themed merchandise.
 Dinosaurs in 3D -- Images are provided that require 3-D blue/green glasses for viewing. Samples are provided for the CD-ROM available for purchase from the site.
 Dinosaurs Toy & Replicas -- From Link and Pin Hobbies.
 Download-a-Dinosaur -- Designs for easy-to-make paper dinosaurs. Ready to download and print out
 Jurassic Challenge -- Dinosaur puzzles and toys.
 National Dinosaur Museum Shop -- Offers a wide range of dinosaur toys and games including books, videos, puzzles and novelties.
 Paleotoys -- Offers dinosaur replicas and toys.
 Perspective Visuals -- Dinosaur Museum CD-ROM. Also dinosaur puppets, models, posters and fossils.
 The Dinosaur Farm -- Large collection of dinosaur toys for sale.
 The Dinosaur Nest -- Offers a variety of replicas and kits.
 The Dinosaur Shop -- Dinosaur model figures and books.
 Totally Dinosaurs -- Offers dinosaur-themed puzzles, books, and toys.
 Ultimate Dinosaur Hand Puppets -- Inspired by Jurassic Park and Lost World. Life-like latex rubber, hand-painted dinosaur puppets.
 Ultimate Dinosaurs -- Offers paleontology-themed toys, books, and games. Also includes kid-oriented online activities, news, and information.
 Viewmax Dinosaurs -- Color stereographs of dinosaurs and a 3-D viewer.

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